Sonolus Wiki


ServerItemSection provides information of a section of items.


type ServerItemSection =
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'post', PostItem>
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'playlist', PlaylistItem>
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'level', LevelItem>
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'skin', SkinItem>
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'background', BackgroundItem>
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'effect', EffectItem>
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'particle', ParticleItem>
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'engine', EngineItem>
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'replay', ReplayItem>
    | ServerItemSectionTyped<'room', RoomItem>

type ServerItemSectionTyped<TItemType, TItem> = {
    title: Text | (string & {})
    icon?: Icon | (string & {})
    description?: string
    help?: string
    itemType: TItemType
    items: TItem[]
    search?: ServerForm
    searchValues?: string


Determines type of items.


Optional search values.

If present, More button will be available and clicking will bring player to list with search values as queries.

Optional search form.

If present, Search button will be available and clicking will bring up search form with searchValues prefilled.


    "title": "#RECOMMENDED",
    "itemType": "level",
    "items": [
        // levels