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Mathematical Functions

Mathematical functions are pure functions that take arguments and compute an output.

Constant Folding

When all arguments are constants, mathematical functions will be precomputed.

Add(1, 2, 3)

// will be optimized into:

However, no constant folding can happen if not all arguments are constants.

Add(1, 2, DynamicArgument)

// cannot be optimized

Variadic Argument Functions

For functions that accept variadic arguments such as Add, rewriting as binary form has no negative performance impact.

Add(1, 2, DynamicArgument)

// can be rewritten as:
Add(Add(1, 2), DynamicArgument)

This further allows constant folding to take place in sub expressions.

Add(Add(1, 2), DynamicArgument)

// will be optimized into:
Add(3, DynamicArgument)