Sonolus Wiki

Tutorial: Blocks

Blocks are continuous memories of floating point numbers.

Communication Mechanism

Blocks are the main communication mechanism between Sonolus and engine.

For example, Sonolus can pass current time information to engine by updating the 0th value of Runtime Update block; engine can pass instruction text information to Sonolus by updating the 0th value of Tutorial Instruction block.

Accessing Blocks

Blocks can be accessed using Get and Set functions.

Read Access Table

Runtime Environment
Runtime Update
Runtime Skin Transform
Runtime Particle Transform
Runtime Background
Runtime UI
Runtime UI Configuration
Tutorial Memory
Tutorial Data
Tutorial Instruction
Engine Rom
Temporary Memory

Write Access Table

Runtime Environment
Runtime Update
Runtime Skin Transform
Runtime Particle Transform
Runtime Background
Runtime UI
Runtime UI Configuration
Tutorial Memory
Tutorial Data
Tutorial Instruction
Engine Rom
Temporary Memory